Welcome from the Chair of The Local Governing Body
Our Local Governing Body is made up of elected parents, teachers and New Horizons Trust appointees, all of us with the primary task of offering support and challenge to the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in order to make our school the best it can be for the children in our care. As Governors we are able to fulfill our responsibilities and make decisions from a position of strength because we know our school well and are often a visible presence in the building during the working day. Each Governor monitors one or more curriculum subjects, not only meeting with the Subject Leader but also dropping in on lessons and talking to pupils who we find are proud to show us their work and to tell us about what they have learned. Governors are involved in many other aspects of school life, not least in forming part of the Interview Panel when new staff are appointed.
At the start of this academic year we are delighted that our purpose-built Healthy Hearts Sports Hall, so long in the planning, is now "open for business" enabling us to deliver the Physical Education curriculum effectively regardless of the weather, as our children deserve. Many of you will have visited the new building and will know that it is dedicated to the late Peter McGregor, a man with a passion for education who was a great friend and mentor of our school. As Peter famously said about an earlier achievement at Seaside, "Well done! And what are you going to do next?" Seaside doesn't stand still so watch this space!
Sue Main
Chair of Governors