Our school gates open at 8.30am and the school day finishes at 3.00pm. This means school is open for 32 hours and 30 minutes each week.
I am sure you will appreciate that regular attendance at school is a major contributor to academic progress. We know that in most cases when children are absent it is for genuine reasons, however when attendance issues give us cause for concern, I am required to refer these to the school’s Education Welfare Officer, to be investigated.
This usually takes the form of a standard letter that is generated when your child’s attendance drops below 90%. As Head I do have some discretion in sending these letters to parents, taking individual circumstances into account. However, where persistent absence becomes an issue I am bound by law to take steps to ensure that all children are able to access and receive a high quality education.
Many problems with attendance can be quickly and easily dealt with and in the past we have had an excellent attendance record.
May I take this opportunity to remind parents that you should notify school on the first morning of absence, if your child is unable to attend school for any reason. We would like you to advise us of this using the 'Studybugs' App (see the 'Reporting Your Child's Absence' section on the website).
I am not permitted to authorise day trips and outings, or annual family holidays where it is not possible for these to be arranged in school holiday times.
Mr Lee Murley
Headteacher (CEO)
Report Your Child's Absence
If you know your child will be late for any reason, you must contact the school at the earliest opportunity. Tel: 01903 876300
If your child is too unwell to come to school, we would like you to advise us of this using the 'Studybugs' App. This is free to download from the Android 'Play store', the Apple App store or from Microsoft Windows (see the links below).
Once downloaded, you need to register your details. You can then notify us free of charge from 7.30pm the night before the absence until 9.00am on the day of the absence.
Absence During School Time
Absence during term time is discretionary, not an automatic entitlement. Any request for absence during term time must be exceptional and can only be authorised by the Headteacher. If you wish to take your child out of school for any period of time during term time, you must complete the Term Time Absence Request Form (available for download below).
If you have any queries, please contact the School office by telephone or email.
01903 876300