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Annual Statement

Annual Statement for 2023 - 2024 


NHSP LGB has continued to fulfil its statutory responsibilities, offering challenge and support to the Director of Education and the Senior Leadership Team. A newly-elected Parent Governor has joined the LGB and the reappointment of Governors whose terms of office had expired has been approved by the Trustees.


During the past academic year NHSP LGB has:


  • Received regular updates on standards of attainment within the school and the provision that is in place to meet differing needs. Both the YR 2 Leader and the YR5-6  Phase Leader have made detailed presentations to the LGB, focusing on data and outcomes  at the end of Key Stage One and Key Stage Two
  • Closely monitored Health and Safety within the school 
  • Received a presentation from Pupil Governors on the projects they are undertaking to benefit the school community
  • Received regular updates on the increasing demands of S.E.N. provision within the school. The LGB has commended the Deputy Head for Inclusion for her diligence and hard work but has raised concerns about the length of time taken by outside agencies to process EHCPs
  • Received regular updates on Attendance and the effectiveness of measures that are in place to address persistent absence 
  • Undertaken online Safeguarding training. The LGB has continued to monitor Safeguarding and Child Protection within the school and has voiced concerns about the provision provided by the Local Authority
  • Participated in strategic planning and in the school's self-evaluation
  • Continued to monitor the implementation and impact of the curriculum by holding meetings with Subject Leaders, visiting lessons and talking with pupils about their work.
  • Received updates on the residential visits offered by the school, most notably the change of venue for Yr 5 pupils and the opportunities the new site affords
  • Continued to monitor Staff Well-being and has looked closely at the recommendations of the Department for Education
  • Made regular visits to the school and supported events such as the Christmas celebrations and Family Fun Evening


Annual Statement for 2022 - 2023


NHSP LGB has continued to fulfil its statutory responsibilities, offering challenge and support to the Director of Education and the Senior Leadership Team. The Board of Trustees has approved the appointment of one new Governor and a further governor has been elected by parents following a resignation during the year.


During the past academic year NHSP LGB has:


  • Received regular updates on standards of attainment within the school and the provision that is in place to address differing needs.
  • Closely monitored Health and Safety within the school.
  • Received a presentation from Pupil Governors on the projects they are undertaking to benefit the school community.
  • Received regular updates on the increasing demands of Special Educational Needs provision within the school and commended the Assistant Head for Inclusion for her diligence and hard work.
  • Continued to monitor Child Protection and the support provided by the Local Authority.
  • Continued to monitor the implementation and impact of curriculum development by holding meetings with Subject Leaders, visiting lessons and talking to pupils about their work.
  • Welcomed the completion of the Healthy Hearts Hall and attended the opening event.
  • Continued to monitor the well-being of all staff and undertaken Exit Interviews.
  • Supported the school's drive for Community Engagement, leading a tour for a local church group and attending a Family Fun Evening.
  • Attended Parents' Meetings related to the new academic year.


Annual Statement for 2021 - 2022


NHSP LGB has been able to resume regular face to face meetings and has continued to fulfill its statutory responsibilities, offering challenge and support to the Director of Education and the Senior Leadership Team. The reappointment of all Governors whose terms of office had expired has been approved by the Board of Trustees.


During the past academic year NHSP LGB has:


  • Welcomed the progress made towards the provision of the Healthy Hearts Hall and monitored all developments closely
  • Received regular briefings on the impact of covid disruption across all Key Stages and Year Groups. Governors have supported the plans in place to address gaps in learning and social development resulting from the pandemic.
  • Completed updated Child Protection training. Governors have monitored closely Safeguarding within the school and have received regular briefings on the provision that the Local Authority is able to provide.
  • Met with the Chair of Trustees to affirm the responsibilities of the LGB as a committee of the Trust
  • Closely monitored Health and Safety within the school
  • Received regular updates on staffing provision within the school
  • Attended a presentation on the new legislation regarding Early Career Teachers and how this is being implemented at Seaside to best meet the needs of our staff and the school
  • Continued to hold meetings individually with Subject Leaders to monitor the implementation and the impact of curriculum development. Action plans have been discussed in detail with Governors.
  • Attended a presentation by the PE Leader
  • Met with Pupil Governors and commended the work they are undertaking on behalf of their fellow pupils
  • Monitored the well-being of all school staff. Governors have recorded their thanks to all who have run clubs or participted in residential visits.


Annual Statement for 2020 - 2021


New Horizons Seaside Primary Local Governing Body has held regular meetings via Zoom and has continued to fulfill its statutory responsibilities, offering challenge and support to the Director of Education and the Senior Leadership Team. New parent and teacher governors have joined the LGB and the re-appointment of all governors whose terms of office had expired has been approved by the Board of Trustees.


During this academic year NHSLGB has:


  • Received regular updates on Covid 19 security at Seaside and monitored the way in which Risk Assessments have been adapted in line with changing circumstances and new Government Guidelines. Governors have commended the detailed information provided by the school to stakeholders.
  • Monitored current attainment in the light of the time pupils have spent out of school, comparing this year's results with historic data.
  • Investigated how Health and Safety is managed within the school.
  • Continued to monitor Child Protection. Updated Safeguarding training has been completed online.
  • Received and discussed reports on Health and Safety and Teaching and Learning undertaken by external auditors in addition to Classroom observations carried out by the Senior Leadership Team.
  • Explored the opportunities for reading and its place at the heart of the Seaside curriculum.
  • Met via Zoom with Subject Leaders to monitor and report on current curriculum provision and future plans.
  • Explored the values, attitudes and aspirations at the heart of the 118 curriculum (DREAMS)


Once again the Local Governing Body has put on record its gratitude to the Director of Education, the Senior Leadership Team and to all who work at Seaside for their exemplary efforts in supporting our children and their families throughout another challenging year.



Annual Statement for 2019 - 2020


With the second half of the Academic Year dominated by the situation surrounding Covid-19 this year's statement falls into two distinct sections. However, in these last months New Horizons Seaside Local Governing Body has maintained close links with the school, continued to fulfill its statutory responsibilities and to meet via Zoom.


September 2019 - March 2020



  • Continued to foster and develop the role of Pupil Governors
  • Continued to support and monitor the introduction of the new curriculum framework
  • Monitored pupil attendance and supported initiatives to improve this
  • Received the updated Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy from the Local Authority and recommended it to the Board of Trustees for approval.
  • Engaged with staff to ensure the role of the Governing Body has greater transparency.
  • Monitored staff workload and well-being.


March 2020 - July 2020


  • Monitored the arrangements for the children of Key Workers to attend school throughout.
  • Approved the Risk Assessment and associated Parent Information Pack for re-opening the school to Year R, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils in June. Monitored the effectiveness of the arrangements once the children had returned.
  • Ensured that all arrangements comply with Government Guidance and that Safeguarding Procedures remain robust
  • Approved the Risk Assessment and associated Parent Information Pack for the return of all pupils in September.


The Governing Body has put on record its gratitude to Mr Murley, the Senior Leadership Team and to all who work at Seaside for rising to the challenge of these difficult times and for their outstanding commitment to our children and families.


Annual Statement for 2018 - 2019


Over the previous year New Horizons Seaside Local Governing Body has:

  • Supported the introduction of Pupil Governors as a replacement for the School Council.
  • Undertaken updated Safeguarding training and engaged with external agencies to ensure greater consistency in the response of the Local Authority to Safeguarding concerns raised by the school.
  • Monitored pupil attendance and supported the initiatives put forward to improve this.
  • Ensured that New Horizons Seaside offers a broad, ambitious and balanced curriculum that addresses changes to the Ofsted framework.
  • Provided challenging and robust support for members of the leadership team to ensure that School Performance standards were maintained.  Governors have acknowledged the hard work and commitment of staff who undertook additional teaching duties during periods of long-term staff absence.
  • Monitored the administration of Key Stage Two tests to ensure that New Horizons Seaside complies with Statutory requirements.
  • Monitored the effective deployment of student teachers during their placements at New Horizons Seaside.
  • Promoted initiatives to develop the skills of Middle Leaders and Lesson Studies to improve outcomes in teaching.


Annual Statement for 2017 - 2018


Over the previous year New Horizons Seaside Governing Body has:

  • Reviewed the Attendance Policy and ensured that it can be accessed easily on the website.
  • Supported the development of online mapping provision for children with Special Educational Needs.
  • Monitored Pupil Premium provision and ensured that information for parents was available on the website.
  • Approved the further development of Residential Visits as an integral part of the wider curriculum and ensured that their benefits are open to all pupils.
  • Monitored the Performance Management cycle to ensure that the school’s aspirations are addressed consistently in all Year Groups.
  • Approved the decision to block the 5 Inset Days as an additional week after the Summer Half Term 2019 in an effort to approve Attendance.


The Local Governing Body was reconstituted on 06.06.15 as required by government guidelines.

