Grammar and Punctuation
In line with the 2014 curriculum, we have made grammar and punctuation a driving force in our English lessons. Each year group has a grammar and punctuation checklist. The checklist covers all the aspects of grammar and punctuation which have been allotted to that year group in the national curriculum.
Teachers must ensure that all the points on the checklist are covered on rotation over the course of the year. Most of the points will in fact be revisited many times as the year progresses to ensure the children fully understand these and are able to embed them into their own work.
Please see below a suggested sequence for how a grammar or punctuation point might be covered over a week.
Monday (1 hour)
Input on a particular aspect of punctuation or grammar / differentiated practice
Tuesday (10 minutes)
Silly sentences / Grammar games – Talk Partner work (on whiteboards)
Wednesday (10 minutes)
Topic sentences – Talk Partner work (in books) – collect best examples for display on GP board
Thursday (10 minutes)
Assessment-style questions – model answering using Top Tip on board / Talk Partners to work on whiteboards
Friday (10 minutes)
Questions in books – used to inform future planning.
Laminated copies of these GP Checklists are to be put out on tables during English and in other subjects where applicable. These are to be used when appropriate as success criteria in mini-plenaries and plenaries – for partner work and self-assessment.
Each class has their own ‘GP Surgery’ board to raise the profile of this area of English. Each teacher’s board should reflect the current grammar and punctuation focus of that class or set and the expectation is that the board is regularly updated with examples of the points covered.
We also give ‘GP Awards’ to pupils who have demonstrated an excellent understanding of the grammar and punctuation work covered in class, either through the class practice on Mondays or in their own independent work. The children keep the award on their table throughout the day and return it to the teacher at the start of the next lesson.