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Pupil Governors

Who are the Pupil Governors?

The Pupil Governors are a team of Key Stage 2 pupils who have been elected by their year groups to sit on our governing body. At the start of the year, children who would like to put themselves forward to become a governor, write a manifesto and campaign to members of their year group. A general election is held and two candidates are chosen. The decision is entirely down to individual year groups and all voting is completed in secret. The votes are counted officially and the winner is announced.


This year, our Pupil Governors are:

Year 6 – Jaivik (Chair) and Alex (Vice Chair)

Year 5 - Arthur and Bow

Year 4 - Ava and Mae

Year 3 - Emily and Archie


What is the overall aim of our Pupil Governing Body?

We want our Pupil Governors to have an active role in the decisions that are made around the school. They would work closely with the School Governing Body which develops greater responsibility and ownership for the children.

At the start of the year, the Pupil Governors attended the Full Governing Body meeting and shared their action plan. 


What do the Pupil Governors do?

The Pupil Governors meet every Monday morning at 8:00am. They follow a Long-Term Plan and make decisions on how certain aspects are run across the school. In addition to this, the governors themselves suggested actions that they felt important after taking feedback from members of their year group.

During our initial meeting of the year, the Pupil Governors met with Mr Murley and pitched ideas to him with the intention of securing a budget. After some tough negotiation, Mr Murley agreed to setting a budget of £1000 for the year. This money will be used to fund some of the projects the Pupil Governors will be responsible for.

Please see the table below which identifies our key priorities for each term:

Long Term Plan – Pupil Governors

2022 - 2023




1 - Establish the Governing Body


2 -  Write action plan and agree projects for the year


3 - Undertake Pupil Voice across KS2 to review impact on previous years work on Anti-Bullying



1 - Hold four Anti-Bullying assemblies (KS2) to remind children of the definitions of bullying share some examples to help children identify bullying


2 - Develop Curriculum Leads within the Pupil Governing Body. Each member of the Governing Body will work with the Curriculum Lead to support the reviewing and monitoring of the subject


3 - Further raise the priority of the DREAMS ethos around the school


1 - Relocate and establish a new ‘Busy Garden’ to help protect the wildlife and nature


2 - Submit evidence for the Primary Awards for Green Education competition


3 - Organise a Careers Day for children in Y5 and Y6



What have we achieved so far this year?

  • Pupil Voice has been collated in relation to Anti-Bullying
  • Attendance at one Governing Body meeting
  • Attendance at Parents' Evening
  • Delivered four Anti-Bullying assemblies across KS2
  • Playtime equipment has been reviewed and new items purchased for each year group
  • A review into the paper we use at Seaside was undertaken to ensure that we are using a product that is 100% recyclable and is created from a sustainable source

  • The Pupil Governors have further developed our recycling process by purchasing bags to collect paper and cardboard in. They collect the recycling twice a week and ensure that it is taken to the correct recycling bins
